This globalized and competitive world has led us to change the traditional provision of legal services, focusing on self-management and legal prevention in order to protect our customer’s main assets: corporate image, knowledge and innovation.
Through our services, we seek to minimize the costs associated with the day-to-day regulatory compliance of our customers, thus avoiding penalties from the surveillance and control authorities, and legal actions in the areas of our specialty. Our support and regulatory self-management policy involves cost reduction for our customers compared to traditional legal services.
Intellectual Property / Trademarks and Patents
We provide identification and protection services of our customer’s Intellectual Property: applications for patents, industrial designs and trademarks, and protection of trade secrets. We manage Intellectual Property asset portfolios in Argentina and any country worldwide.
Intellectual Property / Copyright
We advice creators, artists, authors, the music industry; advertising agencies, the software industry, art galleries and artists, among other sectors, in the identification and commercial exploitation of their creations.
Personal data protection / Habeas Data
We develop and implement compliance and enforcement systems of Habeas Data Law or Personal Data Protection.
Consumer Protection and Advertising
We implement compliance and enforcement systems of consumer protection regulations. We deal with lawsuits and defense against investigations for breach of consumer protection regulations as well as warranty claims.
Internet Domains
We help our customers to protect their trademarks on the Internet by registering and monitoring their domain worldwide.
Litigation in Intellectual Property, Unfair Competition and Consumer Law
We have proven experience in litigation in relation to Intellectual Property, Unfair Competition and Consumer Law, effectively defending our customer’s interests and rights.
Health Regulation
Our Regulatory Affairs department has an interdisciplinary team of pharmaceutical chemists, lawyers, physicians and veterinarians, who allow us to provide an integral service to our customers in health and food matters.
Corporate Law
We are the facilitators in the creation and legal management of a company.
We offer practical and agile advisory to our customers in the legal management of their company and their business, as well as in the application of the most appropriate policies to face the competition and manage market relations with consumers and the competition.
Luciano G. Buffarini
Responsible for the Trademarks and Patents Department.
He graduated as a Lawyer from the University of Buenos Aires (“UBA”). For several years he served as Senior Lawyer expert in Intellectual and Industrial Property in renowned law firms in Argentina.
M. Florencia Chaia
Responsible for the Regulatory Affairs Department.
She has numerous postgraduate degrees, degrees and vast experience in health, food, safety and hygiene matters. For several years, she served as Regulatory Affairs Analyst in renowned Retail and Medicine firms as well as in Law Firms in Argentina.
Natalia S. Pacifico
Responsible for the Oppositions Department.
For several years she worked as an Administrative Assistant expert in Intellectual and Industrial Property in a recognized firm of Industrial Property Agents of Argentina.
Tomás Mosca
Responsible for the Corporate Law Department.
He graduated as a Lawyer from the University of Salvador (“USAL”). For several years he served as Lawyer in a renowned law firm in Argentina.
Lucas Roldán
Responsible for the Public Prosecution, Litigation and Mediation Department.
He graduated as a Lawyer from the University of Buenos Aires (“UBA”). For several years, she served as Lawyer in a renowned law firm in Argentina, and today she has broad experience in Taxes, Trademarks and Patents.
Sandra K. Riglos
Responsible for the Department of the Exterior.
She graduated as a Lawyer from the University of Morón. For several years, she served as Senior Expert Lawyer in Intellectual and Industrial Property in a renowned law firm in Argentina.
Juan Pablo Adin Mindurry
Responsible for the Criminal Law Department.
He graduated as a Lawyer from the Merchant Marine University. He discharged important functions relating to piracy and intellectual property.
Tel.: +54 11-5032-9020
Cel.: +54 9 11-5050-1500
25 de Mayo 252, Piso 6º – Buenos Aires
Argentina (C1002ABF)